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           During the 2023-2024 school year, I mentored a first-year math teacher, supporting her transition into the classroom. I provided guidance on lesson planning and instructional structure, helping her design concise yet effective mini-lessons that introduced new content clearly, develop strategies to provide quick and timely feedback to students to address misconceptions, and ultimately build students’ confidence as mathematicians. It was a collaborative partnership driven by her needs as a new teacher, focusing on refining lesson planning and pacing, balancing direct instruction with student engagement, implementing differentiation strategies, and incorporating scaffolds for ENL and SWD students—all aligned with JBA’s instructional goals.

           In addition to lesson structure, we also worked on developing effective questioning techniques, utilizing formative assessments to drive instruction, and implementing classroom management strategies to create a structured and engaging learning environment. We collaborated on ways to ensure students remained actively involved in their learning, incorporating instructional strategies that encouraged student discourse and problem-solving.

This mentorship aligned with the DOE’s mentorship framework, which emphasizes analyzing student work, planning equitable instruction, and supporting reflective teaching practices in a non-evaluative role. As a mentor, I helped orient my mentee to the school community while providing instructional support tailored to her growth. By fostering a trusting, risk-free learning environment, I encouraged self-reflection and professional growth, ensuring that she felt supported as she developed her instructional practice.

            Mentoring strengthened my ability to guide and support colleagues, reinforcing my commitment to professional collaboration and instructional leadership. Through this experience, I deepened my understanding of how to effectively coach teachers in planning, instruction, and content knowledge to improve student learning outcomes.

NIC Program: Supporting MLL Students

          During the 2023-2024 school year, I participated in the Network Improvement Community (NIC) program, collaborating with colleagues to support our Multilingual Learner (MLL) students by integrating language and content instruction. Our targeted goal was:


"By June 2024, we predict we will increase the writing scores of our Expanding ELLs on the NYSESLAT exam by 6-8 points if we integrate language and content instruction through the implementation of the 'Because, But, So' protocol to support students in writing a variety of sentence structures (simple, compound, complex).”

Using the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle (reference), we met monthly to analyze student progress, reflect on instructional strategies, and adjust our approach based on what was effective in the classroom. Discussions focused on identifying what was working, what needed modifications, and what strategies needed to be completely restructured.


          Through this collaborative process, I gained key insights that continue to shape my teaching:
✔ Repetition and consistency are essential for language development and retention.
✔ Vocabulary instruction is critical—not just introducing new words, but ensuring students repeatedly see and use Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary within meaningful content.
✔ Cross-content collaboration strengthens student learning—working with teachers in different subject areas to identify shared or overlapping vocabulary helps reinforce language skills across disciplines.


           This experience deepened my understanding of how to effectively integrate language instruction into content areas to support MLL students and improve their academic success.


             As a dedicated math teacher, I always strive to instill confidence in my students, encouraging them to perform at their best and embrace their identities as mathematicians. It was an honor to be part of the District 10 Math Tournament, an event that highlights the dedication and hard work of schools, teachers, and students alike.

            In our very first year participating, we had an incredible outcome—we won! Our students secured victories in the 6th-grade individual category, the 8th-grade individual category, and the 8th-grade varsity team competition. This achievement was a testament to their perseverance, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.

            Attending this tournament each year is something I look forward to, not only as a way to showcase school spirit and support my students but also as an opportunity to foster a love for mathematics beyond the classroom. Seeing students step up, challenge themselves, and take pride in their abilities is truly inspiring. I am proud to be part of this journey and will continue to encourage my students to showcase their mathematical talents with confidence.

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